Colliding Worlds Trilogy 03 - Explosion Read online

Page 10

  She rushed forward, stopping at the third door in. Jax’s full name and rank was posted in both Draeken and English next to the door. She motioned to Jax. “Your wrist-com is your key. You must be wearing it for it to work. Then, just swipe your arm like so,” she moved her arm over his name plate to show him. The door remained closed. “It will open for you, but it won’t open for anyone else unless you grant them access.”

  He mimicked her action and the door opened. He stepped inside, and she followed. “I’ll show you the basics.”

  Ace whistled behind her. “Damn, this crib is sweet.”

  “Yours will be identical,” she said, tugging Ace’s wrist-com out of his hands. “They’re all set up the same, but you can personalize them any way you’d like.” She strapped it onto his forearm.

  “Over here is your food center,” Talla gestured to a section of the wall, bypassing the small lounge area. She pressed a button, and the wall lifted.

  “That looks complicated,” Jax said, staring at the food processor.

  “There are guides in your kit, and they’re also programmed into your wrist-com. But it’s quite simple to use. You enter what you want on this pad, and it is produced.” She moved past the two men and into the bathroom. “Everything here is pretty straight forward, except you’ll notice the shower doesn’t use water.”

  She pointed out two buttons. “Enzyme cleanser and enzyme wash. Make sense?”

  “Sounds boring,” Ace said. “There’s nothing like sex in a steamy shower.”

  “This is good, too,” Talla blurted out. Her cheeks heated. “It was a very long ride here.”

  Ace chuckled and he ran his hand down the edge of her wing.

  She sucked in a breath with a shiver, the touch sending tingles through her body. “Stop that,” she said. “Wings are … sensitive.”

  “I know,” Ace said. “Although the word I’d heard was erotic.”

  She glanced up at Jax who was way too close. He was fixated on her, his pupils dark and wide. Her bolgt buzz and his proximity raised her pulse. Her breath came in pants. He took a step closer. Ace continued caressing her wing, and she bit back a moan as she watched Jax approach. He reached out, and his calloused fingers brushed across her cheek. She closed her eyes and a moan escaped. When she opened them, he cupped her face with both hands and held her as he brought his lips to hers.

  He wasn’t slow or soft. His kiss was just like the rest of Jax. Hard, take-no-prisoners, intense. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling them tighter together. There was a warm pressure against her back, and she felt her hair brushed to the side. Ace nipped the back of her neck, sending chills across her body. His hands ran down her wings and then clasped her hips. He pulled her back against his hardened cock, and she sucked in a breath.

  Jax pressed his tongue into her mouth at the same time he pressed his cock against her front. Leaving one hand in her hair, his other hand gripped her hip, holding her against him as he moved rhythmically against her.

  Ace continued to kiss her from behind, his hands moving to her breasts. He teased and pinched, making her kiss Jax all the harder. He grabbed her hair, almost to the point of pain, and kissed her hard. Only then did he pull away, panting as hard as her.

  “Not this time,” Jax said.

  She frowned. “What?”

  He looked over her shoulder “Not this time, Ace. Go get your own.”

  The fingers on her breasts scraped down her stomach and to her hips. Ace held her against his hardness once and sighed into her ear. “Next time, perhaps,” he whispered, and she shivered. He kissed her neck one more time, and then cold air replaced the warm body behind her.

  Ace then stepped behind Jax on his way out of the bathroom. “I’m off to check out my new crib. Hopefully you have a twin sister who’s waiting for me.”

  He left, and Jax stared into her eyes. “I’m sorry, but I want you all to myself,” he said hoarsely.

  She nodded.

  “Bed?” he asked, his voice like sandpaper.

  “Bed. Yes,” she murmured.

  Jax grabbed her thighs and lifted her so that she straddled him. She tightened her legs around his waist and held on, kissing him as he carried her to the bed. He paused, and then lowered her gently onto her back. Breaking the kiss, he pulled off his black shirt, and his dog tags clinked.

  Talla stared as his hands moved lower to unfasten his pants. Her mouth opened when his cock sprang free. The rumors had been right. Humans were built different. It was hard and veined, different from the smooth, throbbing member of the Draeken male. She’d never looked at the humans who tried to take her at the Etzee. That experience was nothing like this now. That was about power. This was about need. And she needed it inside her now.

  She tore out of her shirt and unfastened her pants. Jax moved forward and pulled off each of her boots and then tugged her pants off. Tossing her clothing carelessly to the floor, he fell upon her, kissing her senseless while rubbing his cock against her already wet core. “Want you,” she whispered into his mouth.

  He grunted in response. Propped on an elbow, he brought his other hand to her breast, then to her stomach, then lower still. His thumb brushed against her clitoris, and she jerked. “Want you,” she said louder. He rubbed her, the friction brought waves of heat through her body. She threw her head back as the first orgasm took her. Even without penetration, she whimpered in pleasure.

  It’d been too long.

  It’d never been as good as this.

  Just as she was coming down from her climax, he thrust two fingers inside her and she gasped. He pushed in and pulled out and pushed in again. Biting his shoulder, she moved against him. He continued, teasing and torturing her, his fingers moved just against the right spot, and she couldn’t stop the next wave. “Want you!” she cried out.

  His fingers yanked out of her just as she began to orgasm, and he shoved his cock fully in. She yelled incoherently, the intense orgasm taking her over any edge of reality at the sudden force Jax claimed her with. Gripping her hip, he went hard and deep, over and over, until all she could do was hang on. He was impossibly hard and her core tightened around his as though begging him to go deeper and harder. And he did. She crested the wave of the next orgasm with a cry. Her entire essence felt nothing but the sensations Jax fed her.

  He pulled out and warm liquid shot across her stomach. He collapsed on her then, kissing her softly and gently. She sighed at the bliss. He backed away and then walked into the bathroom and returned seconds later.

  He held up something. “I’m assuming this scrap of material is a towel, though I don’t know how it could work.”

  “It’s a towel and it’s very absorbent,” she said.

  He wiped her stomach clean. “I wasn’t sure if you were protected.”

  Protected? “Oh, you mean protected against pregnancy.”

  He nodded.

  “Yes, I am. All males and females have birth control included in our vitamins. If you remain on a core ship, you’ll take the same for optimum health.”

  He frowned. “What if someone wants to get pregnant?”

  “Then switch to different vitamins, silly. We choose which ones to take.”

  “Oh,” he said, tossing the towel onto the floor. He crawled in next to her. With her wings, they struggled to find the right position. Finally, he settled on his back and she sprawled across him.

  As Talla fell asleep in utter satiation, running her fingers across his chest, she realized that this moment was the first time she felt at peace her entire life.

  A loud beep sent Jax lurching forward, and Talla tumbled off him. “What the fuck is that?”

  She rolled over and pulled herself to her feet. “You have a message.” She walked to the wall and hit a button.

  Roden appeared on the screen.

  Jax growled. “Can he see us?”

  “No. It’s a message. If it was a call, instead of a long beep, you get a staggered tone.”

  “Good to know,”
he muttered, coming to her side.

  She pressed the button once again to play the message.

  Roden smiled. It was neither warm nor friendly. “Sheescaten, lovebirds. I expect you to be in the command room by sceinan — that’s eight o’clock sharp for you, Jerrick. So get the fucking out of your systems now, because you’ve got plenty of work to do, starting tomorrow.”

  Jax hit the button on the wall, looking disconcerted. “How’d he know?”

  “Roden has spies on his spies. He always knows,” she replied, knowing exactly what Jax meant and just as bothered.

  “Can’t say I like the idea of being watched, but … ” He turned to her. “Well, we can sleep … ” he pulled her to him and kissed one of her wings. She shivered. “Or, we can do what he ordered,” he said with a boyish grin.

  “We’d better do what he says,” she agreed with a smile.

  As he led her back to bed, she tried not to think about the war they’d have to face tomorrow. Nor did she try to think about what kind of future a Draeken and human could possibly have when their people were at war.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Talla left Jax’s room early to shower and change. The empty hallways echoed with her footsteps. Her pace increased into a jog, and then she spread her wings, lifting herself into the air. The morning flight through the tall wide hallways was refreshing. It burned off her lagging sleepiness. If she knew Roden — and she did, as well as anyone — it was going to be a busy day.

  After two more rounds of mind-blowing sex, she’d slept hard. The physical and, perhaps even more so, mental exhaustion from the previous two days had crept up on her. Sex had been exactly what she’d needed to take her mind off things she couldn’t bear to think about. She couldn’t help but smile, reflecting on the night before. Jax had been amazing, teasing and taking every orgasm she could give. If only she’d known earlier that he was interested, she could have experienced that a thousand times over by now.

  Back at her sanctuary, it took her no time at all get to ready for the day. This room had been her home for over a year, with a three-month trip to Earth and several months watching the planet from the dark side of the moon. She knew every inch of the layout. Nothing had been touched since she’d left it. The air filtration system kept dust off things, so different from her trailer at the Etzee that seemed to have a thick layer of permanent dust on everything, despite her relentless cleaning. This was home, from the purple fabric she’d draped on the walls to her collection unique Earth finds, which mostly included seashells and stones.

  As she picked up a conch shell, her heart ached, and she pressed the shell against her chest. She’d found this prize while on a scouting mission with Laze. Her gaze fell across her collection. She exchanged the shell for a stone with brilliant lines of blue and black running through it. Laze had given this one to her on her lifeday, a day similar to human birthdays but more meaningful in that each Draeken selected his or her own lifeday once they reached the age of maturity.

  Nearly every piece in her collection had a connection to Laze, and she leaned against the wall. She couldn’t fathom adding another item to the collection. It felt like a betrayal to his memory.

  Sheescaten, ta deiti. Peace, my brother. She’d been just a toddler when the Noble War broke out. Her parents were murdered on Blood Night, the night that started the collapse. She would’ve died too if her father hadn’t sent her and Laze into the woods to hide. Laze, only a few years older than her, became a man that night at the ripe age of seven.

  He did what their parents could no longer do. He’d found them shelter in the basement of a burnt-out estate and only left her side to scavenge food and supplies. They survived like fregee for nearly two years, until Laze returned one morning with a tall man with eyes that saw into her soul. His name was Lord Roden Zyll, and he took both Kohlm children with him to his base.

  Roden could never be mistaken for a father figure. Though he revealed a softer side every now and then, he’d seen them as assets and treated them as such. But they’d been treated fairly. At the base, Laze and Talla were sheltered and fed. In exchange, they learned how to become guardsmen. Talla killed her first Sephian at eight, and fought in her first battle at nine. She’d been small and fast for her age and made an excellent messenger. She could crawl into tiny spaces and fly though narrow pathways to relay orders.

  Talla had been beaten, shot, cut, and starved. Yet, she’d survived. And she’d continue to survive. With forced calm, she pushed off the wall and headed straight for the briefing room. I will survive for both of us, Laze.

  People were starting to move about. When she came across a familiar face, she smiled and moved on. She was a guardsman. Guardsmen weren’t driven by emotion. They weren’t laden by remorse or guilt or grief.

  By the time she arrived in the command room, she’d built a stone cushion around her heart, safely hiding away precious memories.

  “Morning, sweetheart,” Ace said as she walked in.

  She dipped her head in response. Ace was sitting down next to Jax and three other humans, soldiers she’d recognized from the Etzee. She wasn’t surprised to see them defect to the Striga. All three had treated the residents fairly and made no secret of their dissent with Etzee’s hard regulations.

  Even with his dark skin, Ace looked pale. It would take him at least another day before his lung was fully repaired. Jax, on the other hand, looked healthy and delicious. Her blood heated. She perused his body before giving him an affirming smile.

  He watched her, with that same intense look he’d given her every day at the Etzee, and certainly not the intimate gaze he’d given her last night. When he looked away without any further acknowledgement, Talla frowned inwardly, careful to not betray any hint of emotion. He was acting as though last night hadn’t happened.

  Was that how he saw it? Oh, that burns.

  They’d crossed a line last night, there was no doubt about that. It had been more than mind-shattering sex. Hadn’t it?

  Determined not to let Jax’s avoidance plummet her thoughts into chaos, she walked around the table and chose a chair next to the three Draeken already in the room, a safe distance from the humans.

  Several others entered over the next few minutes. She noticed how the room was divided into three sections, the fences around them invisible. Human, Sephian, and Draeken — each sitting with their own race, all the while warily eying the other two.

  The next Draeken guardsman who limped into the room had Talla springing out of her chair. “Laze!” she screamed and ran to embrace her brother.

  “Ta deitan,” Laze murmured, embracing her, though his voice sounded weak.

  She clutched him to her and he grunted. Relaxing her grip, she stepped back to study him. He was slumped over, using a cane for support. One of his wing spurs had been replaced by a metal spike. Many of his tattoos were missing from his wings, which meant that the skin had been patched.

  Her eyes widened. He must’ve been nearly a corpse when he was rescued. “Your body is still repairing. You should be resting.”

  He snorted. “That’s all I’ve been doing for two days.”

  “I don’t know how you pulled it off,” Jax said from Talla’s side and she startled, having not noticed his approach. “But it’s damn good to see you. You saved our lives.” He held out a hand, and Laze accepted, returning the human tradition of shaking hands.

  “It was a rough going for a bit,” Laze replied honestly.

  Jax shook his head. “I saw the collision. How the hell did you make it out there?”

  “I’m not crazy. I bailed just before I rammed the truck down their throats. I took to the air, but one of their fifty-cals took me down. I was lucky they left me for dead. I was even luckier that one of the scouts from the Striga found me.” He sobered quickly. “Luckier than most.”

  Silence filled the space in between them, and Talla rested her head on Laze’s shoulder. After a moment, she pulled back and gave a little smile. “Fyet, deiti.” Sh
e punched Laze lightly on the arm and he winced. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again.”

  He held up a hand in defeat. “Wasn’t my intent. I stopped by your room last night, but you weren’t there.” He glanced at Jax, and then smiled. “About time, I’d say.”

  Talla’s eyes widened, heat filling her cheeks.

  “It’s not what you think,” Jax replied, far too quickly. “We were just blowing off steam.”

  The heat in her cheeks moved right to her temper, and she flashed a glare at Jax, but he’d already turned and returned to his chair.

  Laze’s lips thinned as he looked from Jax to Talla. “Want me to kick his ass?” he whispered in Draeken.

  A smile tugged at her lips. Seeing her brother quickly reset her priorities. Suddenly her world made sense again.

  “No,” she said, chuckling. Jax’s dumbass-ness could wait. She touched Laze’s face. He was real. A smile filled her face. “Deiti … ”

  “Deitan,” he said, returning the smile.

  Uncaring that her behavior may be considered un-guardsman-like, she clasped Laze’s hand and walked them where there were still two open seats in the Draeken contingent. The room was nearly full. She glanced at the wall screen. It was sceinan.

  A badly scarred human woman entered right behind them and, not surprisingly, took a place with the two Sephians in the room. Sienna Wolfe, co-leader of all Earthside Sephians, watched the Draeken with less disdain than she had a year ago, but the animosity was still clearly there. The human blamed Talla’s people for her mother’s death and knew how to hold a grudge. Talla had no problem glaring right back. The Sephians had killed Talla’s parents and kicked her people off Sephia. Everyone in this room had suffered plenty of loss.

  When Roden and Nalea entered, Talla stood along with the other guardsmen in the room, and nodded in respect to Roden’s consort, the Grand Lord Nalea Puftan. Nalea was a woman Talla had respected immediately. Despite being a Draeken-Sephian hybrid, Nalea led the Draeken people with confidence, strength, and — the one thing her father had lacked — mercy.